Our Vehicle Replacement Rating (VRR) is a specially designed points system that helps you easily recognize when a vehicle needs to be retired or replaced.
- VRR calculations give you a real-time gauge of purchase cost vs. maintenance cost, and what stage of the replacement a vehicle or piece of equipment is in.
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-desktop” headline=”User Interface” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Analytics Dashboard
- Navigation Persistence
- Global Search
- Table of Contents/ Layers
- Map Tools
- Documents Attachments
- List View Data Export
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-comments” headline=”Request Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-wrench” headline=”Work Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Work Orders
- Repeating Work Orders
- Tasks
- Activities
- Task Calendar
- Time Sheets
- Distribute Resources
- Task Triggers
- Preventative Maintenance
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-bar-chart” headline=”Asset Management & Analytics” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Asset Records
- Condition Manager
- Overall Condition Index (OCI)
- Inspections
- Remaining Life
- Criticality Factor/ Levels of Service
- Scenario Builder/ Capital Planning
- Tangible Capital Assets (TCA)
- Infrastructure
- Facility
- Fleet
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-money” headline=”Resource & Inventory Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”Report Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-tablet” headline=”Mobile Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Cartegraph for iPad and Cartegraph One Feature Comparison
- Cartegraph for iPad
- Cartegraph One
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”Workflow Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”System Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Structure Manager
- Library Manager
- Layout Manager
- Esri and Active Directory
- Security Role Administration
- System Licensing
- System Requirements
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-puzzle-piece” headline=”Integration Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_button color=”orange” target=”_self” link=”http://www.appliedgeologics.com/schedule-a-software-demonstration/” size=”medium” shape=”round” title=”SCHEDULE A DEMONSTRATION” ]SCHEDULE A DEMONSTRATION[/ut_button]