Cartegraph recommends for its Cartegraph OMS installation a two-tier deployment using SSL to encrypt data in the customer-to-web application. If your organization requires a three-tier setup note the differences compared with the two-tier setup and discuss them with your Cartegraph representative.
Two-Tier Setup
The firewall is a hardware device that controls traffic between the public Internet and your organization’s private network. Since installations are publicly available, an organization has to make changes to its firewall to allow access.
Web Server
The Web server is a Microsoft Windows server with Internet Information Service (IIS). This server provides the Cartegraph application to end users and acts as the primary gateway and/or routing application to forward information requested or submitted from the end user and communicates with the Database server. Place SSL certificates on this server.
Database Server
The server where the database is stored and uses SQL databases.
Three-Tier Setup
Web Server
The Web server is a Microsoft Windows server with Internet Information Service (IIS). This server provides the Cartegraph application to end users and acts as the primary gateway/routing application to forward information requested or submitted from the end user. Place SSL certificates on this server. The operating system must be the same on both the Web and Application servers.
Application Server
The Application server is a middleware service that acts as a gateway between Cartegraph and the Database server. This is installed on a Microsoft Windows server with IIS running. Place SSL certificates on this server. Cartegraph recommends adding this server’s URL to the Safe list on the firewall between the DMZ and the internal network to eliminate flooding issues. The operating system must be the same on both the Web and Application servers.
For Off-Premise/ Cloud Hosting services, AGL utilizes web services from a Canadian supplier. For details on compliance, security, maintenance, and disaster recovery, Contact Us.
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-desktop” headline=”User Interface” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
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- Cartegraph for iPad and Cartegraph One Feature Comparison
- Cartegraph for iPad
- Cartegraph One
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”System Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Structure Manager
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- Layout Manager
- Esri and Active Directory
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