Use Cartegraph’s Facility Maintenance Management solution to effectively care for and sustain the buildings and structures in your infrastructure and public spaces, and those that house your own operations.
Facility Assets (Out-of-the-Box)
Electrical Generator
Electrical Generator is one effective solution to keep your facility operational at all times, even during a power outage. Inspect inventory, track maintenance history, and forecast the service life of your electrical generators. Use this tool along with all other Facility solutions to get an accurate picture of Facility performance and increase productivity for the benefit of your citizens. Asset shape: POINT.
A Facility serves as a container, combining component tools to provide full visibility of your facility. Use our high-performing Facility solution to effectively manage inspections, maintenance, and repairs. See requests, costs, and overall performance. Keep facilities up-to-date and fully functional. Asset shape: POLYGON.
Facility Lighting
Manage every lighting fixture within your facility. with our Facility Lighting tool. Specify lighting fixtures by location, type, and bulb. Efficiently manage energy costs and illustrate facility performance. Use this tool along with all other high-performing Facility assets to get an accurate picture of Facility performance. Asset shape: POINT.
Fire Protection
Manage fire protection assets to keep your Facility safe. Inventory, inspect, track histories, and perform preventative maintenance of your fire protection assets to minimize facility damage in the event of a fire. Use this high-performing tool along with all other Facility assets to get an accurate picture of facility performance. Asset shape: POINT.
HVAC Equipment
One of the most important assets in a facility is the HVAC system. Make sure your HVAC system doesn’t fail at an inopportune time by tracking inventory, performing routine inspections and preventative maintenance, and extending its service life. Use this effective tool along with all other high-performing Facility solutions to get an accurate picture of facility performance. Asset shape: POINT.
Plumbing Fixture
Manage all your plumbing fixtures in a facility with one all-encompassing solution. Inventory, inspect, maintain, and perform preventative maintenance of all your plumbing fixtures, thus saving costs by extending their service lives. Use this high-performing tool along with all other highly effective Facility solutions to get an accurate picture of facility performance. Asset shape: POINT.
Roofing System
Roofing System is an effective tool that helps predict service life, build inventories, create inspections, and scheduled maintenance of all your roofing systems. Use this efficient tool along with all other Facility assets to get an accurate picture of facility performance. Asset shape: POLYGON.
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-desktop” headline=”User Interface” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Analytics Dashboard
- Navigation Persistence
- Global Search
- Table of Contents/ Layers
- Map Tools
- Documents Attachments
- List View Data Export
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-comments” headline=”Request Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-wrench” headline=”Work Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Work Orders
- Repeating Work Orders
- Tasks
- Activities
- Task Calendar
- Time Sheets
- Distribute Resources
- Task Triggers
- Preventative Maintenance
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-bar-chart” headline=”Asset Management & Analytics” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Asset Records
- Condition Manager
- Overall Condition Index (OCI)
- Inspections
- Remaining Life
- Criticality Factor/ Levels of Service
- Scenario Builder/ Capital Planning
- Tangible Capital Assets (TCA)
- Infrastructure
- Facility
- Fleet
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-money” headline=”Resource & Inventory Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”Report Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-tablet” headline=”Mobile Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Cartegraph for iPad and Cartegraph One Feature Comparison
- Cartegraph for iPad
- Cartegraph One
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”Workflow Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sitemap” headline=”System Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
- Structure Manager
- Library Manager
- Layout Manager
- Esri and Active Directory
- Security Role Administration
- System Licensing
- System Requirements
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[ut_service_column color=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-puzzle-piece” headline=”Integration Management” margin_bottom=”0″ shape=”normal” align=”left” last=”true”]
[ut_button color=”orange” target=”_self” link=”” size=”medium” shape=”round” title=”SCHEDULE A DEMONSTRATION” ]SCHEDULE A DEMONSTRATION[/ut_button]