The Cartegraph OMS (Operations Management System) is unique in that performance curves, daily maintenance, rehabilitation work, and inspections, defined and captured using the Cartegraph OMS, are all leveraged to produce “real-time” analytical results. An experienced AGL Business Systems Analyst works closely with your government organization to tailor and optimize the following Cartegraph OMS advanced asset management analysis features to meet the organizations unique asset management requirements. For more information on Cartegraph OMS Asset Management and Analytics, visit our Asset Management and Analytics page.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-road” headline=”Asset Records” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”] Cartegraph OMS provides the ability to track any asset and its location, attributes, condition and work history including costs.Asset relationships are either networked, referenced, or hierarchical. An unlimited number of container/ component hierarchical relationships can exist. Asset summary information (e.g. request and work history, total cost, OCI and more) is easily accessed. For more information on Asset Records, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-line-chart” headline=”Condition Manager” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]Understand where an asset is in its overall life cycle. Cartegraph OMS Asset Condition Manager uses the data captured in the Condition Category, Condition Group, and its Prediction Group to quickly and accurately calculate the asset’s current Estimated Condition, helping you reduce maintenance costs and plan better for the future. For more information on Condition Manager, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-th-list” headline=”Overall Condition Index (OCI)” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]When you set up performance curves in Cartegraph OMS, each condition category curve is combined, through a user defined weighted average, to generate the Overall Condition Index (OCI). The OCI is automatically updated, taking into account the estimated condition and inspection condition values. For more information on Overall Condition Index (OCI), click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-tablet” headline=”Advanced Inspections” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]Cartegraph OMS inspections are initiated by assigning an Inspection Activity to an asset management task. Inspections can be applied to any Asset Type, including equipment assets, that has been setup in the system. Inspections provide a procedure to better manage your organization’s assets and equipment by planning and predicting. For more information on Inspections, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-heartbeat” headline=”Remaining Life” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]Cartegraph OMS remaining life calculations are in part based on the amount of time it takes for an asset to reach its established minimum condition value based on the asset’s individual performance curve and assigned condition group. For more information on Remaining Life, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-sliders” headline=”Criticality Factor/ Levels of Service” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]Understanding an asset’s importance as compared to other assets is valuable when analyzing data and making decisions. User defined Levels of Service and Criticality values can be utilized by Cartegraph OMS Scenario Builder to prioritize work. For more information on Criticality Factor/ Levels of Service, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-bar-chart” headline=”Scenario Builder/ Capital Planning” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”]Whether you’re preparing for a council meeting or putting together a capital improvement plan, Cartegraph OMS Scenario Builder provides the business-critical data you need. Compare scenarios to weigh your options, then make decisions that will deliver the best possible outcome for your citizens. For more information on Scenario Builder/ Capital Planning, click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-money” headline=”Tangible Capital Assets (TCA)” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”] Automatically deflate assets and treatments based on replacement values, current values or general unit costs. Automatically roll up maintenance costs as capital activities when user-specified thresholds are met. Break up and categorize your assets and activities using our easy-to-use configuration tools. For more information on For more information on Tangible Capital Assets (TCA), click here., click here.
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-file-text” headline=”Reports” margin_bottom=”20″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight”] Cartegraph OMS includes two report designers—Basic and Advanced. The Basic designer is intended for simple reports, while the Advanced Designer provides many options for building complex reports. For more information on For more information on Reports, click here.
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Applied GeoLogics Inc. (AGL) is proud to be a member of the Canadian Network of Asset Managers. For more information on CNAM, click here.